Face The Truth By Tiana Owolabi

Upon seeing this post, I know you might be thinking of “the why and how” behind this post. Kindly, read till the last dot.
I have come to realise that the reason why some persons have not attained that height or gotten what they desire to achieve is because they are yet to face the truth about who they really are.

I have not come here to shake any table this morning (Lols……), rather I have just come to unseat you from the level of pretending not to be YOU into becoming The YOU that you have been made to be.
What is that truth about yourself that you need to deal with before the year ends? Take responsibility today.

You have failed before. Don’t hide under the canopy of that failure. That you failed, does not make you a failure (Yes, it doesn’t). It’s not a bus-stop to halt your life. Face that failure today by choosing to rise above it.
You have been hurt before. Yes, it doesn’t make you incapable to move on. Learn your lessons and move on. Trying to stay in the place of hurt or wallow in the hurt will cause more harm to you. Tell it to God and let Him do the healing as you move on. If need be, you can confide in a trusted and Godly individual.

You have been abused or insulted due to your weakness. No one is without a weakness. There is a story/lesson that God wants to bring out of it. Look at the other side of your weakness. How can you turn it into strength. Admit it to God as well. Confront the truth about yourself and deal with it.
You have always thought “you aren’t going to be the best. There are others who are more brainy than you” Is that the truth about you?

Face the truth about your current status and start dealing with it.
Face the truth about yourself before the year ends into becoming the best version of Yourself as we will be going into the 2021.

You are made for more. You can do better than before.
Thanks for reading through. Let me know if you got value via the comment section.
© Tiana Owolabi-08068221976

Published By: Admin

CARL UMEGBORO is a legal practitioner (Barrister & Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Nigeria) and human rights activist. He is an associate of The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (United Kingdom). He is a prolific writer, social policy and public affairs analyst. Prior to his call to Bar as a lawyer, he had been a veteran journalist and columnist, and has over 250 published articles in various leading national newspapers to his credit. Barrister Umegboro, a litigation counsel is also a regular guest-analyst at many TV and radio programme on crucial national issues. He can be reached through: (+234) 08023184542, (+234) 08173184542 OR Email: umegborocarl@gmail.com

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