As a parent, ensure you no longer write your children’s names on the backs of their school bags.
Instead, consider writing the names inside their bags. The reason is this: it makes it easier for the kidnappers, rapists and murderers to get hold of them because as they will call them by their names seen on their bags or t-shirts, these innocent children will respond positively by believing that these criminals know them or are relatives, and innocently give attention.
In addition, teach your child not to answer or give attention to any stranger that call them by their names.
Furthermore, as a parent, you should take an active interest in your children and listen to them always. Teach your children that they can be assertive in order to protect themselves against abduction and exploitation. And most importantly, make your home a place of trust and support that fulfills your child’s needs.
Please pass the message on to other parents and save our children.