Nwa afo Igbo, Kelechi Madu aburula minista n’obodo oyibo

Nwa afor ala igbo, Mazi Kelechi Madu abanyela n’oche minister n’afu maka ikpe ziri ezi and iwu obodo (Minister of Justice and solocitor General of Alberta province) n’ime obodo Canada.

Mazi Kelechi Madu, onye Okrika Ahiazu Mbaise nime obodo Imo State ga buru akwukwo mahadum di na Lagos ‘University of Lagos’ ebe o muru ibu oka ikpe ikpe (Lawyer).

O hapuru obodo Nigeria wee gafere obodo oyibo Canada n’afo 2005 kpokoro ezi na ulo ya.

N’ubochi 30 April na afo 2019, ahoro Mazi Kaycee tinye ya n’oche ka oburu minister na afukorita maka ihe na emegasi n’ime obodo nke bu okwa o no na ya rue mgbe ejiri mee ya minister na afukorita make ikpe ziri ezi and iwu obodo.

Published By: Admin

CARL UMEGBORO is a legal practitioner (Barrister & Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Nigeria) and human rights activist. He is an associate of The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (United Kingdom). He is a prolific writer, social policy and public affairs analyst. Prior to his call to Bar as a lawyer, he had been a veteran journalist and columnist, and has over 250 published articles in various leading national newspapers to his credit. Barrister Umegboro, a litigation counsel is also a regular guest-analyst at many TV and radio programme on crucial national issues. He can be reached through: (+234) 08023184542, (+234) 08173184542 OR Email: umegborocarl@gmail.com

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