Lessons from Kofi Annan’s life, death

By Abdulrazaq Hamzat

My first encounter with Kofi Annan happened in my Peace studies Course-materials, before our path crossed in real life.

Anyone who has a degree in Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution will most likely come across the name of Kofi Annan and Boutrus Ghali almost on daily basis.

Apart from Mahatma Ghandi of India, the famous nonviolent resistance activist who is an embodiment of nonviolent resistant, Boutrus Ghali and Kofi Annan are arguably the two most important figures in the development of peace practice, particularly at the United Nations.

Whenever you hear the phrase, ”agenda for peace”, expect the mention of Boutrus Ghali, but when you hear ”peace building”, expect to hear Kofi Annan.

Both men are from Africa and they are both former Secretary General of United Nations who played leading roles in the development of those concepts.

After coming across Kofi Annan all through my first degree classes in our course materials, i later came close to meeting the icon during my MSc program.

Shortly after my first degree program, I published a book titled, ”African Traditional Methods of Promoting Peace in the 21st century”. It is basically talking about the persuit of global peace through African ideals. The book was an improved version of my final year thesis at the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN).

Some how, Rashid Zuberu based in Canada, a respected friend in the peace building sector, who think do highly of the book sent it to the Kofi Annan Institute and they indicated interest in adopting it as one of the course materials of the institute. However, things didn’t go as planned and neither did I push through aswell.

What is important here is that, even though the deal didn’t eventually scale through, it kept my memory of the icon fresh and my determination to meet him was activated.

Again, after we established Foundation for Peace Professionals (FPP) and we decided to produce Nigeria Peace Index (NPI) as our first major research project, I had resolved that during the launch of the project, Kofi Annan would be brought into the country to unveil it.

Actually, I went ahead to inquire about the process of bringing Koffi Annan to Nigeria from Switzerland, where he was based and what was left was to complete the NPI and secure the commitment.

However, we could not complete the project on time due many factors and when we eventually did, things have changed for us, that bringing him to Nigeria was totally out of the equation.

Nigeria Peace Index wasn’t even launched properly, we only presented it to a small media circle in a small conference and that was all.

Hopefully, the next edition will be better and it will enjoy greater feasibility.

To now imagine that the peace icon I read, repeatedly in text books and visualize meeting is gone is more like a misery. Even though I never meet him in person, it always felt like we are together.

According to another acquittance of mine, Hajer Sharief who had been mentored by Kofi Annan at different development circle, she said the last time they met, he said they will meet again. I wish he told me that as well. I wish I can actually meet him again, but obviously, the peaceful man is gone for good.

Did you read the statement that announced his departure? They said he died peacefully.

I didn’t expect anything different because he lived peacefully too.
Can we then guess how he would rest?
He lived peacefully, died peacefully and hopefully, he will not rest in any other way.

The death of Kofi Annan is painful to me because, my dream of bringing the global citizen to Nigeria and sitting side by side with him on the podium is gone.

But the thought that such a great mind shared this continent with me is enough consolation.

Kofi Annan maybe gone, but he will always remain with us for generations.
Rest in Peace baba, like you lived in Peace baba.

Hamzat is a civil rights activist.

Published By: Admin

CARL UMEGBORO is a legal practitioner (Barrister & Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Nigeria) and human rights activist. He is an associate of The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (United Kingdom). He is a prolific writer, social policy and public affairs analyst. Prior to his call to Bar as a lawyer, he had been a veteran journalist and columnist, and has over 250 published articles in various leading national newspapers to his credit. Barrister Umegboro, a litigation counsel is also a regular guest-analyst at many TV and radio programme on crucial national issues. He can be reached through: (+234) 08023184542, (+234) 08173184542 OR Email: umegborocarl@gmail.com

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